The Math For It

Inverse Kinematics

What are Inverse Kinematics?

The inverse kinematics formulas allow us to determine the necessary velocities to set for each wheel (or motor on an actual robot) to easily control the movement of the entire robot. This could include actions like rotating, moving forward, or moving backward.

Pass in: Forward/Angular velocities

Get: The velocities to set for each wheel/motor.

Variable Names

Forward Velocity (\( v_\text{forward} \)): The speed at which the robot goes straight ahead.

Angular Velocity (\(\omega\)): The speed at which the robot turns.

Track Radius (\(r_\text{track}\)): The distance between the center of the entire robot and the midpoint of a set of wheels(left or right).


Velocities to set the right wheels: \(\ v_\text{right} = v_\text{forward} + r_\text{track} \cdot \omega \)

Velocities to set the left wheels: \(\ v_\text{left} = v_\text{forward} - r_\text{track} \cdot \omega \)